The Jim Lund collection

This is probably the best collection of vacform and other models one can find. It consists of model aircraft from all periods but is especially interesting for the variety of types from the 1920s and 1930s.

Jim Lund with a 1/72 scale Hughes Hercules vacform model 


This has to be one of the biggest vacform models ever made. It is part of Jim Lund's ‘Spirit of 72’ Museum of the worlds aircraft in model form, located in San Jose, CA.  He is holding a 1:72 Hughes Hercules vacform made especially for him and obviously not fazed by a little sanding of parts.


The few photos below serve to illustrate the quality of his model making.  Refer to his web site to see more of his models. Click on the photos to see them larger and with captions.

The Gordon Stevens collection  (Link no longer active)

The 'Gordon Stevens Collection' of 1:72 scale model airplanes can be seen at the Champaign Aviation Museum.near Dayton, Ohio, USA. The collection features 70 colourful US Army Air Corps planes of the pre-WW2 era 1918-1941 vacuumformed, scratchbuilt and injection moulded, some by Rareplane Vacforms and various other makers. Installation was assisted by the Dayton Area Plastic Modelers IPMS chapter. 


Marc Paul Racine

A vast collection of WW1 Historical Aircraft Reproductions that can be viewed via a FB site. 

WW1 models

This site provides a comprehensive list of WW1 aircraft that have been produced as vacform kits. There are also photos of many of the models. 


Carmel Attard of Malta

One of the earliest vacform builders, Carmel is a great craftsman who has produced many of the highest quality models since the 1970s. His many builds are featured on several websites and whatever the quality of kit, he gets a perfect colourful and accurate result.  His collection is quite extensive and always beautifully photographed. 


The photos below show just a few of his models. To see many more and to find out how they were built, make sure to look in the 'Demo builds and reviews' section of this web site. These can also be seen on the Arc site at this web address.



If you visit Malta and would like to see his collection, Carmel offers an invitation to contact him so that arangements can be made. You will lfind his email on his Demos in the 'Demo builds and reviews' section.  

Jüergen Klüeser


This is a site that shows the collection of Juergen Klueser. The web site can be viewed in English as well as in German. The collection contains a large number of vacform models, expertly made and superbly presented. The web link takes you directly to the vacform section of the site. Go to the Home page to access his other models.


Richard D Read of Florida

Richard was a great modeler and enthusiast, especially with vacuum-formed kits, his extensive collection covered the walls of his house and basment in the late 1980s.

Rob and Tom Probert           

We know that Rob was a prolific buidler of vacforms in the 1980s - they got larger and larger and more detailed. Perhaps the magic was passed down the family to Tom in later years as his  large vac efforts turn up on Britmodller website now and again.


Alex Hunger

A modeller with an exceptional collection of big vacform kits and conversions.